Welcoming All Team
Communication & Sunday Servants
Sunday service includes oral and written announcements of important information.
`Database management
St. Timothy's uses Realm to keep in touch with parishioners. Keeping the database up to date and letting people know what it offers helps us communicate.
St. Timothy's shares its information from each ministry area on boards in the hallway as well as on Realm.
Everyone welcomes newcomers to St. Timothy. The Newcomer Team makes sure everyone feels at home.
Profile Articles
Novice or veteran Episcopalian, we want to hear your story. Profiles are printed in the weekly bulletin.
Social Media
Check us out on Facebook and Instagram. We have even more stories to share.
The website is designed to give current information to members and potential guests.
The Vestry Liason
The vestry liaison for Welcoming All coordinates information relays between the servers and the vestry.
Acolytes serve to assist the Priest during the service. Our acolytes are all ages, from about 12 to adults.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild tends to the Altar pieces and arranges them before the service.
Bell Ringers
Bells are rung at the beginning of the service to welcome all to St. Timothy's and signify the beginning of the sacred time.
Bulletin Preparers
Bulletin preparers collate and staple the bulletins once a week on a rotating basis.
Music is the language of worship for many people and the St. Timothy's Choir brings a sacred space for choristers and listeners.
Coffee Hour
There is always gathering of friendly folk after the service. Coffee, tea, something sweet, something savory, and friendship.
Volunteers are trained to carefully count, record, and deposit Sunday offerings. Join this essential team.