St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
900 Calhoun St. * Columbia, South Caroling
Sunday Servants
Communal worship is at the heart of our life together as a Christian community. It takes many hands to make our beautiful Anglican service come together each week. Our smaller size means opportunities for everyone to serve during our worship services. Find your place with one of the opportunities below!

Altar & Flower
The Altar Guild's sacred ministry involves preparing the worship space with the furnishings, appointments, vessels, elements, linens, and paraments used in the liturgy. Before each service, Altar Guild members "set the table" to make sure all is prepared, and after each service they tidy the space.
The Flower Guild creates arrangements for display at the altar for Sunday services.
The commitment for both ministries is approximately one Sunday per month. Contact Deacon Margaret for more information.
At each service, an acolyte bears the cross during the processional and helps the priest set the table for communion. During traditional worship times, members of the congregation also serve as chalice bearers and help the priest distribute the wine of communion. To serve as an acolyte, please contact Deacon Margaret.

The first part of our Sunday service is built on hearing the Word of the Lord as set forth in the Bible. The lay reader reads aloud to the congregation two readings and one Psalm. Commitment is approximately one Sunday every six weeks. Contact Deacon Margaret to serve as a lay reader.

Lay Eucharistic
Though we are many, we are one body. This is symbolized by the bearing of the consecrated host (bread & wine) from the service to those members of our congregation who are unable to attend worship in person due to infirmity. Contact Rev. Alice to help with this ministry.

The St. Timothy's choir is small but mighty! No formal musical knowledge or training is required to join. During normal times, the choir practices once weekly and prepares a special anthem for each Sunday service. During these times of pandemic, one member of the choir leads the singing in Sunday services. Contact Elaine Sandberg to join the choir.

The Ushers greet those who come to services and manage traffic flow during the service. Contact Deacon Margaret to help with this ministry.