St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
900 Calhoun St. * Columbia, South Caroling
Prayer Ministries
Healing Prayer
If you would like to be anointed with oil and receive a prayer for healing (called Holy Unction), come forward to the altar rail during Holy Communion on Sunday mornings. Indicate your desire by touching your forehead and the priest will pray for you.
Morning Prayer
Monday – Saturday at 8AM on the Conference Call line, (803) 302-4111. This lay led service from the Book of Common Prayer includes daily lectionary readings, canticles, and prayers. Those desiring fellowship stay on the line for a few minutes after the service.
Sunday – Friday evenings at 7PM on the Conference Call line, (803) 302-4111. This simple, lovely service, a favorite of many, is the last service of the day in the Episcopal tradition. Those desiring fellowship stay on the line for a few minutes after the service.
Parish Prayer List
Those on the Parish Prayer List are prayed for by name daily at Morning Prayer, Compline, and during the Sunday morning Eucharist. The Daughters of the King pray for those on the Parish Prayer list daily. To add yourself or a loved one to the prayer list, contact the parish priest.
Centering Prayer
Tuesdays, 5:30PM on Zoom. All are welcome to join this weekly prayer group. We sit in silent prayer for 10-20 minutes, then watch and discuss a video or book. For more information and the zoom link, text Hanna Wilson at 803-467-9069.
To Receive a Blessing click here